We can send you? Medicines, money???

Í dag fékk ég e-mail frá útlöndum Aglow vinkonur mínar í Alaska ,UK og USA sendu kveðju afskaplega fannst mér notalegt að fá hlýja bænakveðju frá fólki sem hefur aldrei heimsótt landið mitt en biður fyrir okkur á hverjum degi.  Stelpurnar í USA fylgjast vel með og hafa verulega miklar áhyggjur af ástandinu ég varð hálf vandræðaleg þegar þær spurðu ; Do you need money and medicine ?  Það er gott að eiga vini í útlöndum!

Já, við þurfum lyf til að lækna spillinga-pestina og peninga til að rétta af heimilin.

En þessi grein í inná ft.com er nokkuð góð!
A cruel wind / Fýkur yfir hæðirFor most of the last century, Iceland was little more than a rest stop for North Atlantic fishing fleets trawling the waters between Greenland and the Faroe Islands.Reykjavik, where much of the island's population of 320,000 is based, still feels like a provincial port. Taxi drivers wave to the president and there is a sense that most people are linked by blood, business or politics. But for all its sleepy air, the Icelandic capital has been transformed over the past decade. A headlong expansion into foreign markets brought the country influence out of proportion to its size and made its population one of the richest, per capita, in the world......... In the words of one UK investor: "The Icelandics had better get their fishing rods out. They've got a lot of cod to catch to make up for what we've lost".

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